5 New Year's Commitments to Make to Your Home in 2019
Happy 2019, everyone! In the spirit of fresh starts and new beginnings, we thought it might be fun to consider a few New Year's resolutions you can make to your home over the next 12 months. Think you'll take any of these on? Let us know! We'll be celebrating right alongside you.
Make your home truly safe and sound.
Your home may be beautiful and organized from bottom to top, but if it isn't safe, you could be in trouble. Put a little bit of effort into upgrading outdated fire, radon and carbon monoxide detectors, replacing old furnaces, and investing in air sealing that will keep dust and pollution outside.
Work out a weekly chore chart to help keep your house clean.
It's easier to tackle ongoing chores when you have a plan. An easy place to start? Make sure the dishes go in the dishwasher every night - no excuses - and commit to putting clothes in the hamper or closet right away after use. You'll be amazed how quickly this makes a difference in the manageability of your home.

Reduce your energy usage.
When most people think of going green, they think it takes solar panels to make a difference. That's not the case! Trim energy use, as well as your carbon footprint, by sealing and insulating your attic (this will greatly increase the efficiency of your heating and cooling system), install LED bulbs and low-flow shower heads, and unplug unused devices. It all adds up!
Take on a home improvement project as a family.
Why not try your hand at a home improvement project as a family? There are all sorts of manageable DIY projects out there, designed for all sorts of varied budgets. Not ready to take on the house? Plant a tree in the backyard or start a garden instead.
Get down to the basics.
Getting rid of clutter is always a good idea. In fact, it's probably the cheapest and quickest way to feel better about your home. Over this upcoming year, periodically get rid of the things you don't use often or just don't like any more. Then, only bring in things that you actually need. Easier said than done, but absolutely worth it!