Can you level an uneven concrete slab without replacing it?
Before the cold weather hits where there is snow and ice, you will want to consider making uneven concrete outside even to prevent pools of snow and water from collecting where it may turn into slick surfaces when the moisture hits.
If this is something you'd like to do during your annual weatherproofing, we are here to share more details on how to do it affordably. Weatherproofing can feel daunting, but it is essential to know how to address various weatherproofing projects affordably. Did you know you can level an uneven concrete slab without replacing it? No need to jackhammer that concrete up and to have to start from scratch.
At Ward Insulation & Concrete Lifting, we have a unique capability to inject foam under the uneven concrete to make it level. This helps to add additional structural foundation for the concrete to prevent extensive eroding. With your experience with insulation, we understand all applications to help you with affordability with these vital property investments. Would you rather be worried about the liability or pay to get it done correctly without having to remove the concrete altogether and start over? There is an affordable and worry-free option, and that is our foam injection insulation that will lift and strengthen your concrete.
Next steps? Walk around your property and identify uneven concrete slabs that may experience snow and water collection. Then call us, 307-632-7777 to set up a free estimate and share with us these locations. We can let you know the overall cost and the highest priority items worth addressing.
Would you like to schedule a free estimate or learn more about the process? Call at 307-632-7777 or fill out the form in the footer of our website. We are here to help you!