What is Polyjacking?
Looking into taking on a concrete lifting project on your property? We're sure your head is already spinning! Mudjacking...polyjacking...which is right for you?
Well, we're here to demystify things. Here's everything you need to know about concrete lifting and why polyjacking (not mudjacking) should be your method of choice.
So...what is polyjacking?
Polyjacking (sometimes mistakenly referred to as mudjacking) is the concrete repair industry's go-to method for lifting and leveling sunken concrete. While mudjacking involves lifting a sunken slab into place by filling the void underneath with a mud slurry, polyjacking does the same but with a high-density foam called polyurethane.
Concrete lifting with polyurethane foam is cheaper, more efficient and a better investment than replacing a concrete slab full-on. It's really the best solution out there!

How does the polyjacking process work, in simple terms?
1. Drill a small penny-sized hole into the affected area.
2. Inject a high-density foam into the ground underneath the failed concrete.
3. Wait as the foam expands, stabilizing loose, non-compacted soil in the process.
4. Go back to normal life!
Polyjacking is so popular because of its ability to restore sunken concrete to its "former glory," while also preparing it to withstand subsequent wear and tear. A slab lifted by polyjacking will be stronger, more stable and less vulnerable to water intrusion.
How long does it take to lift a concrete slab with polyjacking?
The average residential concrete lifting job takes an hour or two, from start to finish. The actual polyjacking process takes only 15 minutes or so; the rest is just setup and cleanup!

Will my landscaping be disturbed?
Your landscaping won't be disturbed at all! Polyjacking is a very non-intrusive process. We simply park our trucks in the street, then pull a very lightweight, flexible hose across hard ground (like asphalt) to the job site. Easy!
What's the average cost of a polyjacking job?
Generally speaking, the cost of a concrete lifting job depends heavily on the amount of foam needed to raise the slab to the desired height. Luckily, we provide onsite estimates so there will be no question as to the expense of your particular polyjacking project. Just give us a call and we'll set up a time to visit!
Is the polyjacking process noisy?
The injection gun that we use to inject foam into the ground makes little to no noise. Polyjacking technology is truly amazing! Plus, the equipment is permanently mounted on our truck, so the noise they do generate is very much contained in the unit itself.
How long do I have to wait before I can walk on my slab?
Polyurethane foam sets in minutes. Literally. You'll be able to use your concrete immediately once we leave the polyjacking site, no problem.
Is there ever a situation in which polyjacking is not an option?
Rarely. Polyurethane foam can cure in any environment — warm, cool, moist, dry. It doesn't matter! The only situation in which we might not recommend mudjacking is if your slab is broken into several small pieces. It can be difficult to raise each small piece as evenly as we'd like.
Is the foam used in the polyjacking process safe and friendly to the environment?
Absolutely! The components that make up our polyurethane foam are manufactured using entirely non-toxic, environmentally safe materials. Additionally, once the solution is mixed and injected into the ground, the polyurethane creates a sort of outer skin (like a balloon), which keeps every other ingredient inside.
Is there any maintenance needed after the job is done?
The polymers we inject underneath your slab will not fail. The material is very dense and can bear a great deal of weight — far more than any packed soil. That said, due to the consistency of soil in Wyoming and Colorado, it's possible that surrounding soils may shrink and swell with temperature changes, depending on their moisture content.
Even if there is a small shift or settlement, you should not be alarmed. There's a very good chance that the concrete will return to its original place once moisture levels stabilize with the change of the seasons.