Mudjacking vs. Polyjacking: Which Works Best?
Mudjacking has been the industry's go-to method for lifting and leveling sunken concrete for decades. But a newcomer has joined the scene and, while the process is similar, the material used is far superior. Let's take a look at the differences between mudjacking and polyjacking and explore why polyjacking is the best choice for any concrete lifting project.
How does mudjacking work?
At its simplest, mudjacking involves filling the void underneath the sunken slab with new material to lift the concrete back into place. In traditional mudjacking, a hole is drilled into the sunken concrete block to give technicians access to the void below.
Once the space is prepped, a mud-like slurry made from a mixture of sand, cement and crushed limestone is pumped underneath the slab until it reaches the desired height and stability.
Keep Reading: How to Diagnose Problems with Your Concrete Slab
But what about polyjacking? Well, the lifting method is similar, but the use of polyurethane foam gives it an edge. Polyurethane foam is denser, more durable and can be injected through a smaller, less obvious hole than mud slurry. We use polyurethane for all our concrete lifting projects.

Which material is best for concrete lifting?
While both concrete lifting technologies work very similarly in the short term, there are a few long term considerations that may help you decide between mudjacking and polyurethane injection. Here are a few pros and cons to keep in mind:
Mudjacking Pros
This project procedure is generally inexpensive
The mud slurry is made almost entirely from natural materials, making it an environmentally friendly option
Many contractors are familiar with the process
Mudjacking Cons
Mud slurry is extremely heavy (roughly 50x heavier than polyurethane) and can cause further soil compression over time
The slurry is rough in texture and has some difficulty completely filling the void below a concrete slab
Mudjacking is a cheap short term solution, but will need to be repeated every few years to maintain leveling
Slurry materials are prone to washing out if penetrated by water due to heavy rainfall or poor drainage
2" holes must be drilled into the slab for pump access

Polyurethane Pros
Polyurethane foam is extremely lightweight, while remaining dense and durable
Polyurethane expands to completely fill the cavity below a sinking slab and is not at risk of breaking down
Polyurethane injection is a long-lasting procedure and most projects only need to be completed once
Polyurethane foam cannot be penetrated by water and actually gains stability by mixing with the soil beneath it
Polyurethane foam is deposited through a very small injection hole that is only 5/8" in diameter
Polyurethane Cons
Polyurethane injection requires more expensive equipment and few contractors specialize in the process (note: we do!)
The foam is not "earth made"
Why you can trust Ward with your concrete lifting project:
While many concrete lifting contractors don't offer polyurethane injection as a concrete repair option, we are experts in the technology. In fact, it's one of our specialties! We've been working hard to make polyurethane injection accessible and affordable for homeowners, perfecting the process so it's as efficient and economical as possible.
If you're sick of dealing with that eyesore of a slab, give us a call!
Your initial consultation and estimate are totally free, so don't hesitate to get in touch. We will price out your repair and explain the process to you upfront so you know exactly what you're getting into. It's easy!